Is your building still controlled by one of our older systems? Did your old system finally break down after years of reliable, trouble free service? Would you like to upgrade to cutting edge Solidyne technology? If your answer to any of the above questions is yes, don't delay, contact us today. Take advantage of our extensive knowledge of previous generations of products and put it to work for you. We have successfully assisted many customers in upgrading from the following to the latest in M2 & CatNet Web Server technology: Micromizer, Clipper 8008, Clipper 8008 LAN, Clipper 8008 LAN XL, MVAC, XL9600, IZAC & CLIP-ZAC. We can assist you in providing replacements for the old interfaces to these controllers like output multiplexers, transducers and relays as well as converting old graphics files so they can be reused with the latest controllers. We can help with converting your old PDC832 DOS® based program files to ICMS Windows® version program files. We can also reprogram and create new graphics for you to use as well. |